1/4” Up-Spiral Router BitReturn to 1-4-Up-Spiral-Router-Bit

This is Origin’s workhorse cutter. Ideal geometry and material for all wood types, from MDF and plywood to all hardwoods. Solid carbide composition keeps your edge sharp even after hours of use, and the two-flute upcut geometry directs chips up and out of your cuts, resulting in cooler operating temperatures, less edge burning, and a longer cutter life.  ¼” shank fits in Origin’s stock collet.

Overall Length: 2.5”

Shank Diameter: 0.25”

Cutter Diameter: 0.25”

Cutter Length: 0.75”

Geometry: Upcut, Spiral, 2 flute

Material: Solid Carbide
Price: $22.00
SKU: SE1-2500-2500U