Kitchen Countertops/Island Tops

Built on a history of over 135 years of American craftsmanship, Boos® butcher block surfaces fill your kitchen with timeless tradition in countertop appearance while maintaining a natural food safe element for food preparation. Ultra premium countertops are manufactured with full length continuous rails from choice selections of American hardwoods as noted below. Standard models ship with oil finish. Optional finish: Varnique conversion varnish.


Care and maintenance: Keep your Boos countertop sanitized by wiping the surface with a clean hot and wet soapy towel after each use and dry it with a clean paper towel or let it air dry. If you want to sanitize the block more thoroughly, use a diluted mixture of chlorine bleach or vinegar solution that consists of one teaspoon of liquid chlorine bleach in one quart of water or a one to five dilution of vinegar. Revitalize with Boos® Mystery Oil every 3-4 weeks.

Sears Trostel stocks Hard Rock Maple and American Black Walnut countertops in a variety of lengths up to 145" in Oil and Varnique finishes.

American Cherry & Appalachian Red Oak varieties, End Grain Island Tops, Blended Counter Tops and Stainless Steel Tops may be special ordered. Allow 6 weeks for delivery.


Width: 25" - 48"
Length: 12" - 145"
Thickness: 1-1/2", 1-3/4", 2-1/4", 3"
Detached Riser Options
The Boos® Extra 1" Edge: All Boos® counter tops in standard lengths of 8' or longer are manufactured with 1" added to the length. This is another exclusive Boos® bonus offering for fabricating a long block into two shorter blocks, allowing room for the saw cut, yet maintaining the full length of both block requirements.

Hard Rock Maple

American Black Walnut

American Cherry

Appalachian Red Oak

End Grain Island Tops

Kitchen Counter Tops - (BBIT Models)

Easy on the eye, easy on the knife - Boos ® end grain island tops are manufactured in a vertically glued "checkerboard" lay-up. This unique island top offering reveals the best of the natural elements in hardwood grain. BBIT's shop standard with contrasting walnut plug facades and the Boos Block ® brand. Standard models ship with Boos® Board Cream finish. Care and maintenance: soap and water clean-up. Renew with Boos Block ® Board Cream 5-6 weeks.


Width Sizes: 25" - 38"
Length Sizes: 24" - 60"
Thickness: 2-1/4", 3", 4", 7"

Edge Grain

Made with 1.75" wide strips of wood that can be full length strips or finger jointed random length pieces glued together with the quarter sawn edge grain face up.

End Grain

Made up of many little squares of wood, cut and stood on “end".

Varnique Finish

This beautiful semi-gloss finish is virtually maintenance free. It is impervious to most household chemicals and is easily cleaned with mild soap and water. The
fine furniture look makes it the choice for kitchen island bars and eating counters. It is not meant to be used as a cutting surface but if minor cuts in the finish should appear, they will need to be resealed to prevent moisture from absorbing into the wood. Reseal any damaged areas with EZ-DO Poly Gel.

Natural Oil Finish

The Oil Finish is food safe and designed for the working chef"s kitchen. Whether
used on a countertop or cutting board, the oil finish is intended to be used for a
cutting surface. The oil finish has a natural matte appearance that helps to protect
the wood from moisture and humidity exchange. With proper care and maintenance
your natural wood surfaces will be beautiful and functional for years to come

Blended Counter Tops

Kitchen Counter Tops - (KCT-BL Models)

Boos® Blended kitchen counter tops are a full character offering of nature's design at its best. Manufactured with random lengths of finger-jointed interior rails, the Blended KCT series offers a harmonious blend of heartwood, sap, natural mineral, and grain. Standard models ship with oil finish; optional finish; Varnique conversion varnish. Care and maintenance: soap and water clean-up. Revitalize with Boos Block® Mystery Oil every 3-4 weeks.


Width: 25" - 42"
Length: 12" - 145"
Thickness: 1-1/2"
Detached Riser Options
The Boos® Extra 1" Edge: All Boos® counter tops in standard lengths of 8' or longer are manufactured with 1" added to the length. This is another exclusive Boos® bonus offering for fabricating a long block into two shorter blocks, allowing room for the saw cut, yet maintaining the full length of both block requirements.


Stainless Steel

Boos® commercial grade stainless steel counter tops feature heavy duty 16GA. stainless fabrication, #4 polish. Built to withstand heavy residential/commercial use, Boos® counters are constructed with 1-3/8" thick particle board backing. Care and maintenance: soap and water clean-up. Polish and revitalize with Boos Block® Stainless Steel Cleaner proportionate to your counter top usage.


Width: 25", 32", 28"
Length: 24" - 120"
Options: Integral backsplash offering on 25" depth models. Separate, detached 16GA. stainless available for flat backsplash option.

Edge Detail

Eased Edge

Sanded edge just enough to break sharp edge. (Standard on all KCT and KCT-BLENDED models)

Chamfered Edge

Bevel: 1/2"

Radius Edge

Radius: 1/4" (Standard on BBIT models and Stainless Steel Counters)

Bullnose Edge

Radius: 7/8" continuous radius top to bottom. Available on 1-1/2" and 1-3/4" thickness only.

Roman Ogee Edge

1-1/2" Thick Profile Shown


Black Walnut 48"



1-1/2" x 25" x 48" Oil Finish

Black Walnut 60"



1-1/2" x 25" x 60" Oil Finish

Black Walnut 72"



1-1/2" x 25" x 72" Varnique Finish

Black Walnut 72"



1-1/2" x 25" x 72" Oil Finish

Black Walnut 96"



1-1/2" x 25" x 96" Varnique Finish

Boos Block Board Cream


5 oz.
This all-natural formula penetrates the grains of the wood, leaving a silky wax barrier that locks in moisture.

Boos Block Mystery Oil - 16 oz



Food-grade oil that penetrates deep into the grains of the wood to protect and revitalize the wood fibers.

Boos Block Mystery Oil - Gallon



Food-grade oil that penetrates deep into the grains of the wood to protect and revitalize the wood fibers.

EZ-DO Polyurethane Gel, 1 pint


16 oz.
EZ-DO wipe-on polyurethane is a non-toxic gel that seals and protects Boos Block wood surfaces, and is a perfect match to the Boos Varnique finish.

EZ-DO Polyurethane Gel, 1 quart


32 oz.
EZ-DO wipe-on polyurethane is a non-toxic gel that seals and protects Boos Block wood surfaces, and is a perfect match to the Boos Varnique finish.

EZ-DO Polyurethane Gel, 1/2 pint


8 oz.
EZ-DO wipe-on polyurethane is a non-toxic gel that seals and protects Boos Block wood surfaces, and is a perfect match to the Boos Varnique finish.

Hard Rock Maple 108"



1-1/2" x 25" x 108" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 108"



1-1/2" x 25" x 108" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 120"



1-1/2" x 25" x 120" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 120"



1-1/2" x 25" x 120" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 144"



1-1/2" x 25" x 144" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 36"



1-1/2" x 25" x 36" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 48"



1-1/2" x 25" x 48" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 48"



1-1/2" x 36" x 48" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 48"



1-1/2" x 25" x 48" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 60"



1-1/2" x 25" x 60" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 60"



1-1/2" x 25" x 60" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 60"



1-1/2" x 36" x 60" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 36" x 72" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 30" x 72" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 25" x 72" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 30" x 72" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 36" x 72" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 72"



1-1/2" x 25" x 72" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 84"



1-1/2" x 30" x 84" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 84"



1-1/2" x 25" x 84" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 84"



1-1/2" x 30" x 84" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 96"



1-1/2" x 25" x 96" Oil Finish

Hard Rock Maple 96"



1-1/2" x 36" x 96" Varnique Finish

Hard Rock Maple 96"



1-1/2" x 25" x 96" Varnique Finish