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Introducing the Sears Trostel Slim-Pin Coffee Table

Who knew making a table could be so much fun? (Probably a lot of you.)

June 7, 2012

Well, as promised- we put the first shipment of our hairpin legs to use this week.  This table is also known as one of the easiest woodworking projects for a beginner ever, and way  more satisfying than building a birdhouse.  I should qualify this statement by saying that I really didn't do any of the hardwork.  Michael out in the warehouse helped me pick out the lumber and then milled it all for me.  I came in during phase 3 of the project, to help glue up the panel.  My real contribution came in the way of sanding... I really dislike sanding, so give me a little credit.

Nice to meet you, sir.

About the table: The top is made from hard maple with an accent of zebrawood.  It was finished with a General Finishes polyacrylic water based topcoat in semi-gloss.  The edges have been rounded ever so slightly.
Harlan says all I need now is a green shag rug ;)

Essentially, the options are limitless when it comes to this table; it could be stained, have an inlay, be painted or made of reclaimed wood.  For me, I wanted to keep it simple with clean lines, unstained wood and raw steel.  Love.
