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Drumroll, Please

June 11, 2012

Have you all been waiting with bated breath?  We know, we know... winners were to have been announced last Friday.  (Sorry)
Before you learn the winners, let me just say that our contest page got viewed quite a bit, but we only received 7 responses.  What gives?  Well, one of our customers (you know who you are) told me that he thinks people hesitated on giving advice for fear of not really knowing what they are talking about.  This can't be true! We know our customers are some of the best around, so next time we will expect more out of you!
That said, all of the advice given was great and we appreciate it! Our favorite still has to be the first received, "All of my projects start out with a piece of firewood; many of them end that way as well..."
Too funny!
And now to announce the 3 winners of the t-shirts...

Everyone!  That's right, each and every one of the seven people who wrote in with their best woodworking advice, even "safety first" (which... is not strictly speaking advice limited to woodworking).  May this be a lesson to you all- next time enter our contests!!!