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The Beauty Real Wood Has to Offer

Hardwood is an investment

December 29, 2017

Wood itself has a long and storied history, being used for and in construction dating back thousands of years or more. The uses extend beyond building structures however, as boats, weapons, and protective pieces or barriers like shields and fences also often used the natural component. Uses even extended into everyday needs and still does today by providing fuel as a heat source, furniture for the home, and is even a major component of paper. The beauty of wood extends beyond its’ natural state and can still be utilized in the modern era by adding character and value to almost any project.

Whether you are contemplating an addition onto your home or office, building a brand-new structure from the ground up, or updating an existing interior and/or exterior considering wood as the basis for the project can pay immediate dividends. Depending on the overall goal of a project, wood provides a means by which many different factors can each be accomplished simultaneously. 

From the floor to the ceiling, wood can change the outlook of a room or even an entire building almost immediately. Changing existing fixtures and surfaces into wood offers a variety of positive features both pleasant to the eye and pocket book. The wide array of available choices in wood is often surprising as modifications both small and large can be utilized when choosing wood as the base component on a project. Various colors and designs are all attainable with the different types of wood naturally available and on the market today.

The following are a few examples of areas where natural wood can take your home or office to the next level both inside and out:


Used in a variety of areas, wood mouldings can provide immediate improvements to a particular space or entire home when used correctly. Wooden  types of trim used in homes literally varies from the floor to ceiling and is one of the most beneficial aesthetic improvements available.

From outlining doors and windows to providing a protective barrier for the wall, wooden trim and mouldings serve a variety of purposes. Most individuals are familiar with baseboards but crown molding is less common. While it can be used to cover imperfections in the drywall, crown molding serves the primary purpose of improving a room’s appearance.


Choosing custom hardwood flooring provides a variety of benefits extending beyond an increased resale value of the property. In today’s market, having custom hardwood floors is often an immediate selling point, giving your home a one of a kind look and typically raising the purchase price past any cost of installation. But the benefits do not end there. 

Hardwood flooring is also much easier to clean, providing a quality appearance to everyone who walks into your room. Depending on the wood used and color decided upon, dust, dirt, and debris is also often less noticeable when on a hardwood floor as opposed to a carpeted surface.


Solid wooden beams offer many positives including providing solid support while being extremely versatile. Exposed beams are also a trending consideration in real estate and having natural wood creates both a conversation piece and solid engineering design in many homes.

Box beams provide the desired look of solid wood beams but at an affordable price.  Box beams are perfect for remodeling or adding to existing rooms because they are relatively easy to install and quickly adds character to a room.    

Custom Millwork

Used both on a building’s interior and exterior, custom millwork adds a decorative aspect to any project. The appearance of millwork is much like the use of crown molding, as it enhances the outward look of a building or improves the feel of an interior room. Often, the special attention to detail in the characteristics of millwork can significantly raise both the price at resale and selling potential itself by providing a unique look not readily available in most real estate markets.

Millwork is also extremely flexible in its’ use and finished design. In many occurrences, the millwork will be sold unfinished so that a buyer can apply their own colors, finishes, or paints to match where the piece or pieces are to be added within the structure or project area. Creating custom millwork today also extends beyond the prototypical “railing” frequently seen above fireplaces and doors to include extra detail on garage doors, plank ceilings, wall paneling, cabinets, and other encasement around architectural details in homes and buildings. 


Essentially millwork on a much larger and less detailed scale, wainscoting provides both an improved appearance to an interior wall or hallway while serving the purpose of a high-end appearance. Similar to paneling, as the two are often used in relation, wainscoting typically appears on the lower portion of a solid wall and serves solely as a decorative feature in today’s home or office.

Butcher Blocks

These unique pieces can spice up a kitchen simply from their immediate addition on top of an existing counter, built-in countertop, or a separate kitchen island cart made from all-natural wood. Serving a two-fold purpose, natural wood butcher blocks provide a pleasing sight and conversation piece in addition to providing a functional apparatus in the kitchen for your cooking enjoyment.

A wooden butcher block provides one of the best options for both durability and cleanliness inside a kitchen. Hardwood butcher blocks provide a clean, safe and beautiful surface. 

For decades, Sears Trostel has served our community with integrity and quality. We are proud to offer the best value without compromising quality or customer service. Our manufacturing processes allow for unrivaled flexibility in custom profiles, and our commitment to quality has earned us the trust of our customers through Colorado, Wyoming, and the surrounding areas. Feel free to contact us today with your needs or visit our retail sales and showroom located at 1500 Riverside Avenue in Fort Collins, Colorado. For commercial and residential sales please call 970-482-1928 or for wholesale and manufacturing, 970-482-0222 or 800-950-1928 with any other general questions about our products and services. We can also be reached by email at as we look forward to showing you the effects quality beautiful natural woods can have.